Gum print also known as paper litography and gum Arabic transfer is a non-toxic technique that mimics the process of lithography using gum Arabic, water, toner prints, and oil-based chalcographic ink. Historically it is a technique that was born in the ’60s in the United States, where the movement of xerox art takes place. The main means of expression of this artistic movement is photocopies, to be used both individually or combined with other techniques. The first printer, from which the movement takes its name is presented as a democratic means capable of giving everyone the opportunity to experiment with images. Gum print is a process that allows you to make from a matrix/photocopy 4 or 5 prints. We often get a dreamy effect, almost rarefied. The image we decide to use can be a drawing, a photograph, a collage etc.
The best results are obtained with well contrasted and defined images that do not have tonal gradations and shades, which are more difficult to render with this type of technique. We can also use lithographic pastel to make changes or additions to the photocopy. The pastel, being fat, will react like the toner during the process.