Scholarships for Printmaking classes

The “Il Bisonte” Foundation establishes annual scholarships for printmaking classes offered by private benefactors and foundations, in order to encourage motivated students, already with basic artistic knowledge in the specific field of printmaking, to pursue their ambitions and professional goals, offering them the unique opportunity to attend an excellent school and achieve a highly specialized training level and facilitating their entry into the world of work.
Unless otherwise indicated, the scholarships are open to anyone and everyone, without limits on age or geographical origin.

4 Borse di studio per il corso intensivo Riconoscere la stampa d'arte 2025

Rivolto a curatori, storici dell'arte, archivisti, ricercatori

La Fondazione Il Bisonte – per lo studio dell’arte grafica, grazie al contributo della Fondazione CR Firenze, istituisce n.4 borse di studio del valore di euro 300 cadauna a copertura parziale dell’importo per la frequenza del corso “Riconoscere la stampa d’arte”.
Le borse di studio intendono incoraggiare studentesse, studenti, professionisti e professioniste motivate e meritevoli, già in possesso di conoscenze storico-artistiche di base, a specializzarsi nello specifico ambito della stampa d’arte antica e contemporanea.

Le lezioni si terranno negli storici locali della Fondazione Il Bisonte in via di San Niccolò 24 rosso e in via Giardino Serristori 13 rosso a Firenze dal 10 al 14 Marzo 2025, dalle 9.30 alle 13.30 e dalle 14.30 alle 18.30.

“Riconoscere la stampa d’arte” è un corso teorico e pratico rivolto a curatori, storici dell’arte laureati e laureandi, archivisti, bibliotecari e ricercatori, diretto ad approfondire la stampa d’arte antica e contemporanea. Il percorso formativo è pensato per fornire strumenti e competenze specifiche per riconoscere le diverse tecniche calcografiche e cogliere le molteplici peculiarità estetiche che ne definiscono l’autonomia di linguaggio.

Il programma prevede 40 ore di lezione suddivise tra incontri teorici con direttori di musei, curatori, restauratori e storici dell’arte e visite guidate esclusive al Gabinetto dei Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi e alla Biblioteca Marucelliana, dove sarà possibile osservare e commentare dal vero le opere dei grandi maestri. Il corso prosegue con attività pratiche in laboratorio durante le quali, sotto la guida di maestri incisori, i partecipanti apprenderanno le principali tecniche calcografiche al fine di sperimentarne i processi e riconoscerne gli esiti formali.

Per candidarsi è necessario inviare entro e non oltre il 9 Febbraio 2025 i seguenti documenti:
Domanda di partecipazione (Allegato A), compilata in tutte le sue parti e sottoscritta;
Curriculum Vitae, nel quale devono essere specificati data di nascita, indirizzo, domicilio e/o residenza, recapito telefonico, indirizzo e−mail, studi compiuti, eventuali pubblicazioni;
Lettera motivazionale (massimo 1.800 battute)
I documenti dovranno pervenire a mezzo mail all’indirizzo
Non verranno prese in considerazione domande incomplete o pervenute oltre i termini.

Bando e Modulistica _ Riconoscere la stampa d’arte 2025

Annual Scholarships Open Call 2024-2025

Specialization course in printmaking

Il Bisonte Foundation – for the study of graphic art, thanks to the contribution of CR Firenze Foundation, Alimondo Ciampi Foundation and Livorno Foundation, establishes 20 scholarships for the attendance of the Specialization course in printmaking at Il Bisonte International School in Florence, Italy.
The lessons of the Specialization course will be held from 14 October 2024 to 13 June 2025, from Monday to Friday from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM in via del Giardino Serristori 13red, Florence (Italy).

Unless otherwise indicated, the scholarships are open to anyone and everyone, without limits on age or geographical origin.

The application can be downloaded at the following link:
Scholarships 2024-25

To apply, the following documents must be sent no later than 7 July 2024:

  • Application form (Attached A)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Updated portfolio

The documents must be sent by e-mail to or by post to the Il Bisonte Foundation, via di San Niccolò 24 red, 50125 – Florence.

4 Borse di studio per il corso intensivo Ri/conoscere la stampa d'arte

Rivolto a curatori, storici dell'arte, archivisti, ricercatori

La Fondazione Il Bisonte – per lo studio dell’arte grafica ETS, grazie al contributo della Fondazione CR Firenze, istituisce n.4 borse di studio del valore di euro 300 cadauna a copertura parziale dell’importo per la frequenza del corso “Ri/conoscere la stampa d’arte” che si terrà dal 8 al 12 Aprile 2024.
L’importo restante non coperto da borsa di studio, equivalente a euro 280, è a carico del borsista.
Le borse di studio intendono incoraggiare studenti e studentesse motivate e meritevoli, già in possesso di conoscenze storico-artistiche di base a specializzarsi nello specifico ambito della stampa d’arte antica e contemporanea.

“Ri/conoscere la stampa d’arte” è un corso teorico e pratico rivolto a curatori, storici dell’arte laureati e laureandi, archivisti, bibliotecari e ricercatori, diretto ad approfondire la storia della stampa d’arte antica e contemporanea e ad acquisire competenze specifiche volte a riconoscere le tecniche calcografiche nelle loro molteplici forme d’espressione e a percepirne le peculiarità estetiche che ne sanciscono l’autonomia di linguaggio. Uno specifico modulo tematico è dedicato, inoltre, allo studio e al riconoscimento delle tecniche del disegno.

Per candidarsi è necessario inviare entro e non oltre il 17 Marzo 2023 i seguenti documenti:

  • Domanda di partecipazione (allegato A) compilata in tutte le sue parti e sottoscritta;
  • Curriculum Vitae, redatto in italiano nel quale devono essere specificati data di nascita, indirizzo, domicilio e/o residenza in Italia, recapito telefonico, indirizzo e−mail, studi compiuti, eventuali pubblicazioni;
  • Lettera motivazionale

I documenti dovranno pervenire a mezzo mail all’indirizzo

Scopri tutte le informazioni alla pagina dedicata e scarica il bando completo:

Bando per l’assegnazione di quattro borse di studio per il corso Ri_conoscere la stampa d’arte

Open Call / Thomas Wood Artist Residencies 2024

Reserved to USA artists

Il Bisonte Foundation, thanks to the donation from the family of the American artist Thomas Wood, offers the opportunity to 3 artists born or resident in the United States, to carry out a three-month residency in the Bisonte’s printmaking studios, allowing them to immerse themselves in the unique atmosphere of an historic print studio in Florence.

The 3 selected artists are entitled to:
• Fee of €1000 per artist (the fee must be subtracted by 30% taxation according to Italian law)
 €200 materials (plates, paper, ink etc)
• Open and free access (not individual) to the printmaking studios, use of the equipment and common areas
• Personalized program, based on the specific artistic research.
• Technical and curatorial assistance from members of the Foundation’s staff throughout the period.
• Administrative assistance in applying for residence permits.

Download the open call and apply by 15th October 2023

Thomas Wood Artist Residency 2024

Annual Scholarships 2023-2024

Specialization Course in Printmaking


Il Bisonte Foundation establishes 6 scholarships for the attendance of the
Specialization course in Printmaking 2023-24 (900 hours), at the International
School Il Bisonte in Florence.

The application can be downloaded at the following link: Application for scholarships 2023-24_Specialization course

To apply, the following documents must be sent no later than July 2nd 2023:

  • Application form (Attached A) filled out in all its parts and signed;
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Portfolio

The documents must be sent by e-mail to or by post to the Il
Bisonte Foundation, via di San Niccolò 24 red, 50125 – Florence

Summer School Scholarships 2023

Contemporary Lenguages of Printmaking

The Il Bisonte Foundation announces an Open Call addressed to international artists and students to attend the Summer School – Contemporary Languages of Printmaking.

The Summer School, now in its third year, is designed with the aim of promoting contemporary artistic research and new languages related to print media, thanks to a high-level training offer that aims to merge the tradition of engraving art with contemporary and experimental techniques.

The lessons will include practical laboratory activities as well as lecture and talk with curators, artists and professionals in the sector. At the end of the course, a show off of the works produced will be held in the presence of the public and attendance diplomas will be awarded.

In order to favor the most promising students, 3 scholarships have been activated, with a total value of €1360, divided as follows:

  • 1 scholarship worth € 680 to fully cover the amount and the registration fee, offered by the Livorno Foundation and reserved for artists born or resident in the province of Livorno.
  • 2 scholarships worth € 340 each to partially cover the amount offered by the Il Bisonte Foundation and reserved foreign and Italian artists under 35 working within the print media.

The application form, the complete course program and the registration procedures can be downloaded at the following link:
Open Call // Summer School – Contemporary Languages of Printmaking 2023

The documents must be sent by email to no later than 19th June 2023

Il Bisonte Scholarship for Finnish students and artists 2023

ll Bisonte Foundation – for the study of graphic art establishes 1 scholarship for printmaking classes of € 5800 to fully cover the tuition, reserved to students and artists born and/or resident in Finland, for the attendance of the Advanced Course 2023, at the International School Il Bisonte in Florence.

The application can be downloaded at the following link: OPEN CALL_scholarship for finnish artist

To apply, the following documents must be sent no later than October 23rd 2022:

a) Application for Half Yearly Scholarships completed in all its parts and signed;

b) Curriculum Vitae, drawn up in Italian or English containing date of birth, address, domicile and/or residence, telephone number, e-mail address, education, exhibition activities;

c) Portfolio in Italian or English containing at least five drawings and / or engravings

The documents must be sent by email to or by post to Fondazione Il Bisonte – per lo studio dell’arte grafica, via di San Niccolò 24 red, 50125 – Florence.

Thomas Wood Scholarships for USA students and artists

Il Bisonte Foundation establishes 2 scholarships for printmaking classes of €5800 each to fully cover the tuition, for the attendance of the Advanced Course 2023, at the International School Il Bisonte in Florence. The scholarships is offered by the Wood family in memory of the American artist Thomas Wood and reserved to students and artists born and/or resident in USA.

The application can be downloaded at the following link: Open Call // Application scholarship 2023

To apply, the following documents must be sent no later than October 23rd 2022:

a) Application for Half Yearly Scholarships completed in all its parts and signed;

b) Curriculum Vitae, drawn up in Italian or English containing date of birth, address, domicile and/or residence, telephone number, e-mail address, education, exhibition activities;

c) Portfolio in Italian or English containing at least five drawings and / or engravings

The documents must be sent by email to or by post to Fondazione Il Bisonte – per lo studio dell’arte grafica, via di San Niccolò 24 red, 50125 – Florence.
