Michela Mascarucci was born in 1991 in Fossombrone and grew up in Fano (Pesaro Urbino). After graduating in 2014 with the 1st Level Academic diploma in Art Graphics, she specialized in 2017 in Editions and Illustration for Art Graphics, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino. She specialized further in 2018 in Florence, attending the annual course in Engraving and Printmaking at Il Bisonte Foundation, international school for the study of Printmaking. She currently lives and works in Florence where, since 2021, she has been a teacher and Studio Manager at Il Bisonte, and since 2019, head of Typography, editing editions and art books published by the Foundation.
In the engravings made by Michela Mascarucci, the imagined reality takes over, you can see, wander through paths that visually narrate an experience of the world through interior architecture, where the signs become vibrations of a flow of condensed and tarnished time. The image is given as a set of lacerations and wounds, forming geographies of lights and shadows, emerging from contact with a small part of existence, in the journey of sensations between ideal cities and unknown unreal, where everything is always tirelessly reinterpreted, analyzed and gutted. Human time slows down and leaves room for flaking and reconstructing light of spaces and shapes, a true guide and companion of travel: it dialogues outside the known structures, in a continuous ritual, for the purpose of an individual awareness within a society that lives increasingly connected but increasingly divided, aimed at making it enter into communication, teeming, within the same space, in the same story of salvation. Scenic and dramatic space that, consisting of compositional counterweights, tensions of perspective, intertwined tight signs, is aimed at a spectator who wants to face this journey to the discovery of new worlds, to be caged in the dense network of silent puzzles, which is inevitably raised by the choice of a path.